Change the Narative

1 SAMUEL 17:45 David answered, “You come at me with sword and spear and battle-ax. I come at you in the name of GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies, the God of Israel’s troops, whom you curse and mock. – ( The Message Translation).

1 Samuel 17:45 Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. ( Kjv Translation)

Often time we tend to forget the truth that without God we are nothing, especially in this generation where the enemy seemed to have been able to provide convenient alternatives to certain aspect of our lives. We believe so much in what our intellect, connections etc especially when we now have an avalanche of motivational speakers around us. As a matter of fact motivational and entrepreneural teaching have taking the fore even in the church on Sunday morning. And that explain why we fnd it difficult not to look for an alternative once challenges that are beyond our intellectual capacity shows up; we are quick to throw in the towel not because we don’t believe in God but our spiritual capacity is zero.

Life is a place of warfare and not a place of funfare so I once heard from Pastor Mojibayo Akinjiyan. This depict exactly the attitude every believer should have when confronted with any challenge. You live prepared and not getting prepared. A major key to winning in life is the knowledge of who is backing you in the face of any challenge in life, a realisation that will determine if you will win or burst in the face of ugly situations. From our focal scripture all David needed to do is to change the Narrative based on his knowledge of WHO God is. He made Goliath to understand that this battle is not mine but rather it is God’s. Goliath its not me that you have come to challenge :it’s the God of Heaven that you have come to challenge. He transfered the ownership of the battle to God. Mind you he was able to do this because of his experiential knowledge of the person and ability of God.

Confront the challenge with the knowledge of God that you have. Be offensive and defensive. Battle and challenges shouldn’t define or dictate your response to life. To walk in dominion means you are the one that determines what happens in your space.Take charge let the devil and that challenge or situation know that you are only an instrument of war in the hand of God

Good morning

Olugbenga Ajayi

About thesuremercy2012

A Friend of God, whose life is an epitome of someone that enjoys the mercy of God. A teacher of the word and a motivational speaker
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